Cloud City Cakes API
A web service for Talk Python's Twilio course

This web service is built to support our students when going through the Python-powered chat apps with Twilio and SendGrid course. The idea is to build a workflow in Twilio that powers a chat-bot order service for an imaginary "Cloud City Cakes" bakery.

You can find the full OpenAPI documentation at Endpoints

  • Menu combinations
    GET /api/flavours (POST also supported)

    Parameters (none)

    Response JSON
  • Pricing API
    GET /api/pricecalculator (POST also supported)

    • Required: size={size} - Size of cake (small, medium, large) at.
    • Required: flavour={flavour} - One of the flavors from Menu API (e.g. "red velvet").
    • Required: topping={topping} - One of the toppings from Menu API (e.g. "sprinkles").
    • Required: frosting={frosting} - One of the frostings from Menu API (e.g. "cream cheese").
    Response JSON

Note: This service has limited data. It is for educational purposes only. Other uses are strictly forbidden.